Atelier Opening hours

Diestsestraat 217, 3000 Leuven

Friday - Saturday 11-17.30h

Other days: open by appointment only

  • The custom design process

    Have a piece of jewellery made, just for you! Stop by for a visit at the atelier and start your unique journey towards a made-for-you piece to treasure forever!

  • Get to know Hélène

    How did Hélène find her way to jewellery? A long-time devourer of stories and collector of shiny trinkets, the path may have been obvious all along...

  • Reviews for Hélène M.

    "We got our engagement ring and wedding rings made by Hélène. Very smooth process, really takes the time to understand what we envisioned and did a great job at making a unique ring - frankly the best possible experience!"